PERL (was: Re: SECURITY HOLE: FormMail)

VaX#n8 (
Mon, 7 Aug 1995 03:43:58 -0500

While really really bored, Paul Phillips wrote:
> It does have a security hole, it has the *exact* same hole that
> AnyForm did, except that it is exploited via open instead of system.
> But a shell by any other name...
> open (MAIL, "|$mailprog $FORM{'recipient'}") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n";

I've found a number of holes related to passing things to open or system.
There are also some which offer things which are not necessarily security
holes, but which can offer unexpected results, if the input has "unusual"
(read: unexpected by the programmer) characters.

Here's some PERL code I wrote to avoid unusual behavior when "mv"-ing a
file with wierd filenames... since it isn't passed to the shell for
parsing, you avoid a whole host of complication.
Sorry, this doesn't fix all the bugs in using user-defined data (in fact,
it fixes none of the ones related to UIDs) but I've found it helpful enough
to merit mailing.  Apologies if this is inappropriate.

PERL's open(), btw, needs to be SERIOUSLY redone.
For example, what if you open(FOO,">$filename") and $filename happens to
be ">bar"?  Unexpected, eh?  And yet, there appears to be no way to seperate
the control data (">" in this example) from the data data (">bar").
Bad programming practice, esp. if you can't restrict the format of the data
to be orthogonal from the control.
I think PERL relies too much on magic characters (like it's ancestors) to be
used casually as script backends.

sub safe_mv
{   local($file,$dir) = @_;
    -d $dir || &safe_sys('mkdir','-p',$dir) || die;
    &safe_sys('mv',$file,$dir) || die;

sub safe_sys
{   local($pid);
        if ($pid = fork) {
                # parent here
                # child process pid is available in $pid
        } elsif (defined $pid) { # $pid is zero here if defined
                # child here
                # parent process pid is available with getppid
        exec @_;
        die "Could not exec: $!\n";
        } elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) {
                # EAGAIN, supposedly recoverable fork error
                sleep 5;
                redo FORK;
        } else {
                # weird fork error
                die "Can't fork: $!\n";
VaX#n8 (vak-sa-nate) - n, CS senior++ and Unix junkie -
Deal with evil through strength, yet encourage good through trust.    - PGP me